Based in San Diego, CA and Tijuana, MX - Accepting Patients Worldwide

Dirección de la oficina
845 15th Street, Suite 103 San Diego, CA, 92101 -
Número de teléfono
(619) 407 7878
* The San Diego location is for administrative purposes only. All procedures are handled in Tijuana.
Dirección de la oficina
Blvd. Agua Caliente 9955 Int. 607, Piso 6, Fracc. Calete, C.P. 22044, Tijuana B.C. -
Número de teléfono
52-664-207-2529 -
Número de teléfono
(664) 207 2529
Horario de atención al público
De lunes a viernes, de 9.00 a 18.00 horas (hora peninsular española)
Sábado - de 9 a 14 h PST
Llena El Formulario Para Obtener Mas Informacion
Elija cualquiera de las fechas disponibles y uno de nuestros profesionales médicos se pondrá en contacto con usted en breve.
Our clinic

Discover the serene and rejuvenating atmosphere of the Renovo Health and Beauty clinic through these captivating snapshots. From the modern facilities to the soothing ambiance.

Visit Our World-Class Facility

At Renovo Health and Beauty, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest quality care in a pristine, modern, and elegant clinic. Our state-of-the-art facility is designed to offer a serene and comfortable environment, ensuring each visit is a pleasant experience.
We pride ourselves on delivering world-class treatments at affordable prices, making top-tier health and beauty services accessible to all. Our clean, professional atmosphere reflects our commitment to excellence, ensuring that every patient feels valued and well-cared for. At Renovo Health and Beauty, your well-being is our priority.

Renovo Health and Beauty Now Offers Financing!
At Renovo Health and Beauty, we strive to make our treatments affordable and accessible with flexible financing through eFinancing Solutions. With competitive interest rates, no impact on your credit score for pre-approval, and repayment terms up to 84 months, achieving your health and beauty goals has never been easier. Ready to explore your options? Click below to learn more and apply today!